Tuesday, November 14, 2006


Welcome to The Christian Socialist, a blog dedicated to presenting Christian socialist ideas and delivering commentary on world events from a Christian socialist perspective. The blog aims to become a valuable source of information on Christian socialism, an ideology with a long tradition but very limited recognition in present-day politics within Europe and North America. The politics of those two continents will be the focus of this blog, though I wish to maintain an international outlook.

In this first post, I wish to give a very short introduction to socialism in general and Christian socialism in particular.

The word "socialism" may refer to either a political ideology (something in the same category as liberalism and conservatism), or a socio-economic system (something in the same category as capitalism or feudalism). Socialist ideology provides the moral and intellectual support for socialist economics and a socialist organization of society.

As an ideology, "socialism" refers to a body of ideas that emphasize equality and community spirit as the primary moral values that should guide human affairs. Socialists believe that human beings have equal moral worth and equal dignity; they believe that all people should have the same rights and responsibilities, and that rights and responsibilities should be evenly balanced (there should be no rights without responsibilities, nor any responsibilities without rights). Socialists further believe that all human beings are born equal and remain that way throughout their lives. Differences certainly exist, but they are minor in comparison to all the things we have in common. There are no great variations in strength, intelligence, or other defining features. For example, it is very difficult to find a person who is twice as intelligent as another (in terms of IQ), or a person who is twice as strong as another. There are people who are exceptionally good or exceptionally bad at certain tasks, but most of us lie in the middle, and no one is good at everything. In addition, socialists realize that human beings are social animals. All our achievements - all our science, art and technology - are the result of collective effort. Even when an invention is made by an individual, that individual benefitted from the accumulated knowledge of hundreds of generations that came before. Albert Einstein (himself a socialist) could not have come up with the Theory of Relativity if there hadn't been anyone to teach him basic physics in the first place. And just like knowledge is the result of collective effort, so are the vast majority of our material goods. All of the things we use in our daily lives - such as the computer you are using right now - were built by dozens or even hundreds of people working together. Human beings working together can achieve far more than human beings working apart. Society is greater than the sum of its parts.

As a socio-economic system, "socialism" refers to a kind of society organized according to the principles outlined above. Because human beings are equal, they should have an equal say in political decisions. Thus, socialists support democracy. But socialists also wish to expand the concept of democracy to include not only the political but also the economic sphere. One of the most fundamental aspects of socialism is a democratic economy - an economy in which decisions about the production and distribution of goods and services are made either by the people themselves or by democratically elected representatives. Socialism is the economic system based on public ownership over the means of production. This means that all capital goods used in economic production (e.g. factories, office buildings - the kinds of things that make up businesses and firms) would be the shared property of all the people. In other words, each citizen would be an equal “shareholder” in the national economy. Socialism aims to put the people in charge of the economy and run it along democratic lines. It can be described simply as economic democracy.

Or, to be more exact, socialism means representative economic democracy. The people, as “shareholders” in the economy, elect representatives to manage and plan economic activity. Therefore, a socialist economy is a planned economy. The democratic process - perhaps together with other checks and balances - ensures the planners will do a good job (because if they don’t, they can be voted out of office).

Now let's backtrack a little. Two paragraphs above, I listed the basic principles that all socialists agree on. But what do socialists disagree on? They disagree on the foundations of those principles. In other words, while agreeing that people should be treated equally, socialists often disagree on the reasons why people should be treated equally. They may also disagree on many of the specific details of a socialist society. There is great variety in capitalist societies throughout the world (not all capitalist countries are exactly the same). The same applies to socialism - not every socialist society would be exactly the same. Finally, socialists also disagree - sometimes quite bitterly - on the best means to achieve socialism. These differences have resulted in the development of several branches of socialism. One such branch is Christian socialism.

Christian socialism, as the name implies, is socialism based on Christian values. Christian socialists believe that socialism is the logical political choice for a Christian. This is not to say that we believe all Christians must be socialists. Christianity is a religion, not a political ideology; it concerns itself with the human soul, and one may be a very good Christian without holding any political views at all. One may also make illogical or misguided political choices while still remaining a very good Christian. The reason why Christian socialists hold that socialism is the only logical political choice for a Christian is because only a socialist society can uphold all Christian values at the same time. Other socio-economic systems may tolerate certain Christian values, but will infringe on others. Capitalism, for example, tolerates altruism, but encourages greed, selfishness, individualism and the pursuit of material profit at any cost. Capitalism does not force anyone to sin, but it encourages people to do so (by rewarding sinful activities). Christians cannot logically support a system that rewards sin; a Christian society must reward virtue.

In addition to the principles shared by all socialists, Christian socialists make the observation that all political decisions are, at their core, moral decisions. All laws are moral laws. For instance, we have laws against murder because we believe that murder is bad. That is a moral judgement. From this observation, Christian socialists conclude that it is impossible to separate morality from politics. We may separate religion from politics, we may separate the Church from the state (which is something that Christian socialists support), but we still need to base our laws and our society on some sort of moral beliefs. Christian socialists believe that some of the core values of Christianity - interdependence, the duty to help one another when in need, strong community bonds, sanctity of life, and a rejection of the excessive individualism that permeates Western culture - are values that all people, both religious and non-religious, can embrace. We believe that these values are the most solid foundation for socialism, and socialism is the best way out of the spiritual, political and economic problems of our times. We will never have an ideal society, but it is our duty to strive to get as close to it as humanly possible.

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Blogger Rose said...

Thanks for inviting me to your blog. I've enjoyed your first post and look forward to more.

9:21 AM  
Blogger brent.brewer said...

Interesting post. I just returned from a three month stay in Cuba, where purported Christian Socialism or, more aptly, Liberation Theology is predominant. I left for Cuba strong in my convictions on the reasonableness of Socialism. I returned, however, a different man. While I certainly recognize the flaws of our capitalist society, I'll take it over the pseudo-socialism offered in Cuba. Whether this means I'm more of a realist now remains to be seen, but I certainly had a hard time buying into the very much Spartan feeling virtue being marketed to Cuban citizens.

4:38 PM  
Blogger Smith said...

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Mike Smith

7:38 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I am sending this important letter in the hope of raising awareness to promote reason, justice and love for all people and the Earth rather than the obsession of power and the world of things. I do not wish to instill fear, but rather to guide you in some small way toward world peace.

I am an activist and I have before me a debacle. I came across a text by the sacred Hopi called Hotevilla by Thomas Mails and Dan Evehema. The Hopi are very spiritually advanced, and they know their chakras just as the yogis of India do, as I understand it. Their traditional elders are adept at prophesy, and they have prophesied a day called Purification Day when a red army covers the Earth like 'red ants', a reference to WWIII. Early last century the Hopi prophesied WWI and II before they occurred and brought this to the US government. They were ignored and WWI shortly ensued.

The book Hotevilla is cloaked in symbol. Most of the book describes how the Hopi have been exploited by the US military/industrial/church complex, and the subtitle of the book is 'microcosm of the world'. The Hopi are saying that not only have they been exploited, but all developing world people have been similarly exploited, leading us into WWIII by demanding a reprisal from the developing world.

What are some examples of developing world exploitation? You get snippets of it in the papers, but I have made a study of it. Most populations have experienced some, if not all, of the following as a result of US businesses, politicians and churches:


overt/covert/proxy war

arms and drug running

a history of US support of military dictatorships

wage slavery

creation of client states (a form of international economic dependency that keeps developing world nations poor)

control of world markets via the WTO

control of mineral resources worldwide

environmental chaos including global warming, pesticides, and loose factory controls poisoning the water, air and land

removal of native people from their land

brainwashing through the churches that wipes out ancient wisdom

We are in the middle of a subtle but severe crisis worldwide, and it seems that if we don't correct our actions in business and politics and via the churches we will see Purification Day or WWIII. The Iraq war for oil is an example, and perhaps the last straw, of US hegemonic hold on the world's oil resources at a time of peaking and declining oil supplies. The developing world needs this oil more than we do, and may be willing to fight for it. China, Latin American socialist nations and Muslim nations would all like to see an end to our exploitation and oppression (as would many native populations worldwide). The Iran issue isn't helping matters.
Why would the neo-Cons be interested in Iran, Iraq and Afghanistan?

There are a variety of reasons. Oil is one of them. The oil of the Middle East is the greatest reserve in the world. It would obfuscate the concerns in our economy of peak oil. It maintains petrodollar recycling. Also, oil is needed as a military base. The Middle East is south of Europe, north of Africa, east of the Americas and west of Asia. Military bases in three Middle Eastern countries would allow for military control of the entire world. And of course, Israel could be attacked if we don't control the Middle East, but that is of little consequence in the bigger picture, a side issue. Also, the Middle East is Muslim. If you control Muslim empires, the rest of the Muslim world may follow.

But here is the big picture. What do you think Russia and China are thinking right now? The cold war isn't over because some people say it is over. If the US holds the military and economic bases of the world, this will lead to continued client state status for Russia and China forever. It is very, very threatening. This could lead us into WWIII. The Hopi have already prophesied WWIII in their book Hotevilla by Thomas Mails and Dan Evehema, and this looks altogether too likely.

Furthermore, we should be pursuing renewable energy sources for environmental and peaceful reasons anyway, to make ourselves independent from global war for resources. Why aren't we investing in solar and wind power, and bringing up old and new answers in physics like harnessing the energy of tides, as well as learning from the advances of Europe and other developed countries? What happened to high speed rail?

The Hopi have a creed, to protect land and life. This creed is analogous to our political Left's protection of environmental and human rights. Imagine what the world would look like if we took the time in business, politics and church to act for the benefit of all people worldwide as they would like to be helped (as we affect those people and their future generations), in closer and closer harmony with nature.

By 2013, the end of the Hopi calendar, we should see a new time of global curiosity and commonwealth worldwide that is unprecedented. World peace and prosperity is the hope for most worldwide. Why don't we avoid WWIII now, and aim at the goal of protecting land and life, which is our inevitable conclusion?

The Hopi are a holy people and do not wish to see WWIII, which is why they made the prophesy public.

Thomas Mails also authored Hopi Survival Kit which is designed to help citizens' spiritual edification for the survival of WWIII.

I would like to add my own point. In certain areas of our global economy a planned economy is in order. Agriculture, transportation, education, housing, clothing, communication should all be free and paid for by a volunteer labor plan that benefits from the planned economy, and should foster the ancient and local wisdom of these trades worldwide. For example, in agriculture it would be crazy to grow only soy beans worldwide, but it would be wise to support the growth of native beans and the trade of native beans worldwide. The local and global planned economies can feed of off each other in a dance that can be of great benefit for all people and for the growth of the ecology of the Earth. Likewise, village education can bounce off of global education and interface with common knowledge in a way that is multi-educational for all. Imagine a world of education where the local history and religion of a village is honored and teleconferenced with 25 other villages in a global village discovery session of world religion and history! The possibilities for our future are endless...

Capitalism is as old as the coin. It is not likely to leave us and it clearly has lucrative qualities. My only qualm with capitalism is that it is conducted in conditions that poison the environment and enslave or set to war the people. Capitalism should always make life better, start to finish, not make life worse; and that includes the environment. I feel that any chemical that is toxic should not be taken out of the lab, and any economic model that enslaves or causes war should not leave the boardroom or classroom. These are barbaric practices. Capitalism is fine, but it needs to be capped and we need to get used to living in a wonderful environment, not harnessing it.

In addition, I created a web portal for developing world poverty relief, human rights and peace:


Please share it wisely, do not jeopardize the safety of aid workers by emailing it to conflict areas, etc.

Seth Leonard
1721 Sage Lane
Blacksburg, VA 24060

4:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A christian socialist must not support abortion!

12:10 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

jesus cut thru all the academic dialectics--doctrines of faith or economic practice--"if you have 2 cloaks-give one to the person who has none"-the ancient Taoist scriptures agree--"the superior man weighs things and makes them equal

9:53 PM  
Anonymous Zurie said...

Haha "steal from the haves and give to the have nots"? Is that what Rush Limbaugh taught you, what has he done for you lately? How come 400 people lost their job for his fat rear? I think that is stealing from the have nots and giving it to the haves. You will never live the "American Dream" because it was stolen by force from the used-to-haves and now we have class war brooding. I don't blame the poor or the socialists because they had nothing at all to do with its manufacture. This was capitalistic filth through and through and now the capitalistic fascism is coming to an end. No more will they use the name of my God in vain and claim to be one of me! They go against every teaching of Christ, he despised the rich and showed those who were capitalizing off of the sanctuary visitors what He really thought. American conservatism goes against Christ's teachings period. You can't call yourself a Christian just because you are against abortion or gay marriage, in fact you are ticking God off way more than anyone having an abortion is. He dislikes those who pretend to be something they are not. When the poor are villianized and the collective conscious of the "christians" says "We can't help them!" or "What about MY money, stuff, things, etc" they are NO LONGER CHRISTIANS! I will reserve that judgement because they deserve to be called on the carpet for taking what my God and misinterpreting everything He preached.

1:45 PM  
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